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Seguridad Informática => Hacking Wireless => Wireless en Linux => Mensaje publicado por: D3M0N en 17 de Junio de 2012, 11:46:06 PM

Título: [Script][Video] fakeAP_pwn (v0.3)
Publicado por: D3M0N en 17 de Junio de 2012, 11:46:06 PM
There are lots of "moving parts" in this and "different environments" it has to work in too.
It was made with BackTrack 4 is out - it hasn't been updated for backtrack 5.
I'm going to re-do it all "soon", however not right now. For the people which are having trouble - I'm unable to give support right now - due to lack of free time. You're on your own until fakeAP_pwn v0.4 is out.

Watch video on-line:
Download video:
Download Script (fakeAP_pwn-v0.3.tar):
Download Script (fakeAP_pwn.v0.3-127.tar.gz):

What is this?
An update to the script, fakeAP_pwn, which is a bash script to automate creating a "Fake Access Point" and "pwn" whoever connects to it!

How does it work?
> Creates an access point, runs a DHCP & web server.
> Creates an exploit via Metasploit.
> Waits for the target to connect, download and run the "update".
> Once successfully exploited, it automatically uploads a payload; SBD, VNC or WKV via the exploit
> Depending on the mode, it will grant internet access after infection
> The attacker has the option to run a few "sniffing" programs to "monitor" what the target does on our access point!

What do I need?
> The tar file, fakeAP_pwn-v0.3.tar (1018.5KB, SHA1:7C8605F19210FEDC3219822D4D28CC7D1E4A4996)
> A wireless card --- that supports monitor mode
> Optional: Another interface (wired or wireless) with internet access
> aircrack-ng suite, dhcpd3, apache2, metasploit, dnsiff suite, wget --- All on BackTrack!
> Optional: Subversion, hostapd, macchanger, sbd, vnc, squid, mogrify, imsniff, driftnet, sslstrip, ettercap --- Which all can be install by fakeAP_pwn

Whats new?
In short, a lot. (=
When comparing it to an older version just about everything has changed, expect for the original idea! See the changelog at the end for more details.

Whats in the tar file?
> --- Bash script
> www/index.php --- The page that the target is forced to see before they have access to the Internet.
> www/Linux.jpg, OSX.jpg, Windows.jpg, your operating system.jpg --- OS pictures
> www/tick.jpg, favicon.ico --- Other images
> www/sbd.exe --- SBD payload
> www/vnchooks.dll, winvnc.exe, vnc.reg --- VNC payloads
> www/wkv-x86.exe, wkv-x64.exe --- WKV payloads

How do I use it?
1.) Extract the tar file (tar xf fakeAP_pwn-v0.3.tar).
2.) Copy the "www" folder to /var/www/fakeAP_pwn (cp www/* /var/www/)
3.) Either edit or specify, via command line, your interface(s)/mode/payload. (You can view your interfaces via ifconfig and use kate to edit.)
4.) Wait for a connection...
5.) ...Game over. (=

tar xf fakeAP_pwn-v0.3.tar
cd fakeAP_pwn
mkdir /var/www/fakeAP_pwn
cp www/* /var/www/fakeAP_pwn
bash -?
bash -m non -p wkv -v
bash -m normal -V
bash -m flip -d
kate fakeAP_pwn.log

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